How Long Do Edibles Get Into Your System?How Long Do Edibles Get Into Your System?
Edibles are a great way to take cannabis for medical or recreational reasons. They’re available in many forms from brownies, cookies and candies to drinks and popcorn. They can have anywhere from 2.5 to 10 mg of THC in them. For people new to edibles, Monte says it’s important to start small and only eat one at a time. Edibles can be very potent, and consuming too much at once may cause unwanted side effects such as anxiety or paranoia.
How long it takes for the mind-altering chemicals in an edible to get into your system depends on many factors, including your weight, metabolism, and eating habits. Once THC or other ingredients in an edible make it into your bloodstream, they travel to the brain and can change how you feel.
Edibles 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Cannabis-Infused Treats
It takes 30 to 60 minutes for the psychoactive effects of an edible to kick in, and it’s common for them to peak about three to four hours after you consume them. This latency period can lead to problems if kids unintentionally consume large amounts of edibles before feeling or showing any symptoms, which can cause them to think they need more to feel the effects.
The THC in an edible goes to your stomach and then the liver, where it’s changed into a form that’s more active in the brain. This may explain why some people think they feel less “high” than when they smoke. Moreover, edibles don’t expose you to the harmful toxins in cigarette smoke that can damage your lungs.…